Monday, September 30, 2013

My Fairytale- Friendly Creatures

This is a story about friendships, loyalties and curiosities. It’s about some of us living amongst all of us. This is a story when I met you and you met me.

There was a point in time when only two kinds of creatures walked the world outside Anna’s kingdom. The Ogres and the Elves.
The Ogres were strong minded, rational creatures. They believed that truth consists in the mind’s correspondence to reality. They believed in living for today. They spent most of the day sleeping or procrastinating about the world around them. Their concealed existence was an extension of their aloof and lazy lifestyle. But at nights Ogres ruled the land.
The Elves on the other hand were shy but imaginative creatures. They spent their days working hard so that by the end of the day they had enough to feed their families. They spent their days working hard so that by the end of the day they had enough to feed their families. Something they cared about deeply. They lived for a better tomorrow.
When Anna stepped in the outside world all she knew was the life her father and mother taught her to live. She knew that was a safe way to live but somewhere deep within, she was curious about the unknown. Her curiosity and intrigue made her quite popular amongst the creatures that got to know her.

Creature No. 1- Ogre
Anna met Pam when she started working. It was Pam’s first job too. Pam was a strict and demanding Ogre. She couldn’t accept below average work from anyone. Anna didn’t work directly with Pam. Maybe that’s why they became friends. Pam had a very clear perspective on most of the things in life especially personal. She wasn’t the one to conform to family and herd pressures. She had a partner who she was comfortable living with and intended to be with him for the rest of her life. Pam taught Anna a few awesome things, which Anna seriously listened to:
  1. Never be afraid to try before giving up.
  2. To be good at what you do, you gotto have fire in your belly.
  3. Confidence is a bitch that needs to be constantly fed.
Anna and Pam don’t work together anymore but they haven’t lost touch.

Creature No. 2- Elf
Anna met Eems when she was studying in college. Eems was a charming, friendly and an energetic Ogre. She had a dream, she wanted to one day be a Queen of a welcoming land. She wanted to be a good wife to the King and a good mother to her prince and princess. She decided not to go against the wishes of her family when her father started seeking a suitable groom for her and an heir to their Kingdom. She conformed to her herd and what her family believed in as she believed in it too, “The world outside our own can be dangerous and disappointing”.  Eems reminded Anna of an elder sister she never had because whenever Anna met Eems she would say things like:
  1. Find a nice guy and get married.
  2. Keep in touch I would love to have non-kid and non-maid conversations.
  3. Be yourself. I love you the way you are. (No she never said that…)
Eems has been happily married and has two sweet lil baby elves that look exactly like her.

Creature No. 3- Ogre
Kev was a dictionary definition of an Ogre, hideous creatures often depicted as having a large head, abundant hair and beard, a voracious appetite, and big body. Kev was a few years younger to Anna and loved to be needy and dependent on her. While Anna was out on work, he would use her home like it was his own. Read her journals as reading material while he sat on the pot. Apart from that though, Kev was a good friend to Anna. He would listen to her girly nonsense for hours without complaining. Give her advice as a wise man would. Anna liked Kev and the other five Ogers who stayed with him. Together they made a fun team. They laughed loudly and fought fiercely if they had too but by end of the day Anna knew they would be around in time of need. Kev had a few wise words to share with Anna too, although they were more egocentric then she would have expected:
  1. Always say good things about me when there are chicks around.
  2. Always pick up my calls.
  3. Don’t date fools.
Kev still lives with his Ogre brigade. Anna meets them once in a while when she is not too exhausted to travel to their forest.

Creature No. 4- Elf
Tet was an extreamly sensitive and nice Elf. Anna met Tet when she joined a new company. Tet was a popular amongst his herd as well as Ogres which was quite an achievement. He was liked by both his male and female friends. He liked Anna for her forthrightness and guided her where he thought she needed help. Tet had a lot of good qualities other than one. He could not say ‘No’ especially to his female friends. He liked the attention he got and hated being alone. Hence he was quite a social butterfly. Organising parties at his home or buying booze for all who exist around him was his favourite hobby. He was good at his work too somewhat of a workaholic. It was difficult to get Tet’s attention if he was pre-occupied with work. Anna learned a lot from Tet especially when it came to his understanding of the political dynamics at work place. He gave her ideas on how to deal with some of her co-workers that would help her at her work. Anna looked up to Tet in some ways other than his self-obsession and that weakness mentioned above. He would always tell her:
  1. In matters you cannot handle. Chill out and have fun.
  2. Don’t think about wrong or right. Do what you have to do.
  3. The more use run after somethings. The mores it runs aways from use. (Lol. That’s plural for Stop running.)      
Tet and Anna are good friends and they still chat about old times and laugh their guts out.
There are so many more creatures in our world and outside and it would be so exciting to get to know them.
At least as many as we can in our lifetime…

My second post this week…I’m on a roll
Once again Njoy reading y’ll

P.S. Many of you have not been spoken about in this story but I have enjoyed getting to know each and every one of you.  

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